Social Butterflies

Hannah Montana: The Movie Premiere Fan Pictures


SB reader, Jayda was lucky enough to attend tonight’s Hannah Montana: The Movie premiere at the El Capitan Theatre. Spending all afternoon waiting for the event, she was able to enjoy being by the guest check in where all the action was happening, as well as running into a few familiar faces on the red carpet. Here’s what Jayda had to say:

The Hannah Montana premiere was actually not too bad. Though the guest check-in was over crowded with fans instead of celebrities, the atmosphere as a whole was much more laid back than the crazy Jonas Brothers premiere. I found myself standing directly against the barriers arriving at about 2 p.m. nearly 20 feet from guest check-in. I was pretty mad when the people next to me got there at 4 p.m. and got just as good of a spot, but was happy to be there. Around 5 p.m. people started to get antsy- limos began arriving and lots of people started checking in (mostly fans who won tickets from MileyWorld). All of a sudden you would hear shrieks, but couldn’t see who actually came out of any limos because of the built up check-in line. Stars like Madison Pettis and Debby Ryan slid past the check-in to take pictures, but once 5:30 came around, nobody really came through to the fans. The Cyrus Clan arrived together in the same SUV after Miley waved out the window to all of the fans lined up. Stars like Cody Linley, Sterling Knight, and Tiffany Thornton showed up well after the doors were closed, but still stopped for a few (and I mean FEW) fans to take pictures. Cody didn’t really stop by choice, he was literally mobbed by a group of girls who started kissing him and took his shoe off. Tiffany was super sweet and stopped for almost all of the fans who were still there, even though all of the press and most of the staff had already left. I was pretty pleased with most of the stars; I just wish Disney would have thought out their guest check-in a little better after seeing us line up for hours. Plus, I got to be on Radio Disney (talking about my experience) after the premiere!

Sounds like a great evening!

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Pingback by Hannah Montana Updates » Hannah Montana: The Movie Premiere Fan Pictures « Social Butterflies

these are some AWESOME! pictures

Comment by Anonymous

Who is the best big brother
Sterling Knight was there late but no way he would miss his date with his little sis Scarlett

Comment by txfan

The pictures are great. I like it lot, Thanks.

Comment by London

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