Social Butterflies

Hannah Montana Movie Bringing In GREAT Reviews
March 30, 2009, 11:11 am
Filed under: disney, mileycyrus | Tags: , , ,


Dispite age and history of watching the show Hannah Montana or not, reviewers are loving the upcoming Disney film. Access Hollywood wrote a piece on Hannah Montana: The Movie, and in their words:

Let me begin by saying that I am the last person who would have paid money to go see “Hannah Montana The Movie.” I am a 32-year-old grown man with no children. I am not exactly the “target audience.” I have never watched the “Hannah Montana” TV show, and I have never before been a particularly huge fan of Miley Cyrus throughout my work covering her in celebrity news.

That being said, I attended one of the earliest screenings in conjunction with my work here at preparing for our “Meet Miley Contest” along with Disney and Yahoo’s OMG!, the results of which you’ll see back here beginning April 6.

That being said, this movie is fantastic!

You’ve got to put all of your film pretensions aside when watching it; this is not “The Reader” or “Babel” – it’s a fun teen movie that sets out to be the best it can be for its genre. And it certainly achieves that.

I found myself completely taken back to teenage-hood for this film – the same way in which films like “Bring It On,” “Mean Girls” and “Clueless” did for me. It’s the kind of movie that you’ll likely be singing along with and quoting to friends for years to come. It has heart and passion, and it’s just plain a fun ride.

The movie certainly serves as a vehicle for Miley Cyrus to begin moving forward from the “Hannah Montana” role, but it by no means is an end to the character.


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